Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Ad Inspired Challenge

It is the time for an ad inspired challenge. Every once in a while, I'll throw one of these challenges out there for all of you! First,I'll tell you how it works! I will post a picture of an ad that inspires me and then it is up to you to create a page using is as inspiration. It could be the colors, or the way they use the text. It might even be the placement of the elements featured in the ad. Here is your ad:

An example would be that just because today's ad features emerald green as the main color,that does not mean that you HAVE to use emerald green in your layout!! It can, if the color is what inspires you, but if you were more inspired by, say, the number of elements,by all means use that as your inspiration!!

Here is Sarah's layout!!

1 comment:

  1. I like your layout. What brand of patterned paper did you use?
